all for Jesus ...

"What about you? What precious perfume is locked inside your heart that could be lavished on our Lord? The little treasures you and I struggle to hold on to may hold back opportunities to worship Him with extravagant praise, releasing ministry and service to Him that will bless all those around us." Angela Munizzi

Sunday, August 15, 2010

sunday gem #2

though unable to attend church today, God is always faithful! my gem from this morning comes from a book i've been reading: "guide to domestic happiness." as a new collector of unique books, i'm happy to say that this book was written some time during the mid-1800's, which well explains the title!  :^)

what i love about reading books from this period is that the author's words are filled with scriptural references, acknowledging a real and necessary reliance on God. for example, this observation is given to a man named philetus who has questions about how to marry a suitable wife:

"every serious and considerate man must trace the marks of an invisible hand in all the variegated paths of life. he must acknowledge that it is not in man who walketh to direct his steps; yea, he will rejoice to find they are ordered by the Lord, who delighteth in his way. and were we more observant of the hand of providence, many of our inquiries would be needless: we should see the path marked out before us; and if at any time through mistake we should turn either to the right hand or to the left, we should hear a still small voice whispering behind, 'this is the way, walk ye in it.'"

what a gem! not only the reminder that our steps are ordered by God, but to note "and were we more observant of the hand of providence, many of our inquiries would be needless."

how many times does God guide me with His hand and i'm simply not paying attention? more often than i'd care to confess. sometimes it's so easy to get caught up in circumstances and become distracted by feelings, wondering what my next step should be. all the while, in reality, His hand is upon me - holding me fast - waiting for me to look and listen to Him.

God, help me to daily look to You and pay attention to all the ways in which You guide me! just think of what i could do with the time i'll save by not engaging in "needless inquiries."

i could clean the bathroom, which, as you know, was my goal for last week. what a step that will be toward domestic happiness! i didn't do it last week ... instead, allowing myself to remain caught up in other things. but God's mercies are new every morning, and our bathroom awaits ...

NOT our bathroom! for illustrative purposes only.

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